Rovinj Advisor

Gastro and shops in Rovinj

Ideas for restaurants, cafes, shops and souvenir shops...

Restaurants and taverns

Planning a trip can be stressful, and choosing the wrong spot can leave you disappointed. To help, we've provided a map of recommended restaurants and...

Fine dining

Rovinj offers a perfect blend of breathtaking scenery and exceptional cuisine. Its fine dining scene showcases the region's rich culinary heritage. He...


Good morning from beautiful Rovinj! If you're looking for the perfect breakfast spot, you're in luck because I've got some fantastic options that will...


Rovinj, with its cobbled streets and breathtaking sea views, is not only a visual delight but also a haven for coffee connoisseurs. Here's a curated l...


Rovinj offers a picturesque backdrop for a memorable vacation. Whether you're a traveler seeking to stock up on essentials or eager to indulge in loca...

Souvenir shops

Rovinj is known for its captivating beauty and rich cultural heritage. Among its cobblestone streets and colorful facades, you'll find a variety of un...